This Website Changelog

Nav Updated + Past Work Added

Updated the navigation to be a little bit more chunky and to implement the more prominent branding.

The navigation menu now has breadcrumbs at the top and tweaked and refined the design. The breadcrumb is dynamic with variables, and I'm hoping this will be useful to help people navigate the site better.

Added past work to my work page.

Updated the content tiles to be dark to add a little bit more contrast as the white was a little bit too blaring.

Various UI/UX tweaks here and there.

Content + Small tweaks

I found a nasty little bug that because I changed the text on the navigation on the blog landing, an individual if I were to navigate back to a non-blog page the navigation would jump because the text has changed. So I've decided to just make the navigation say Tim Preut design.

Added a link and interaction to the approach and services page under the hero headline to go to the design manifesto

Added a tile on the Home page and on the About page. That is the Blog tile for the Design Manifesto.

Some small, subtle clean-up.

Changelog + Progressive Blur

Added some secci progressive blur to the bottom of the navigation, adding a little intriguing spice to the site.

Added a change log CMS, Template, to this site. Self hosting is the best hosting.


Big Update

Took an evolution of the design from V2 and implemented V3.

Decided to do multi-page as it provided a better SEO advantage on top of a better user experience. On top of being better to help the user focus on one aspect at a time.

Added two case studies.

Updated my visual brand identity to be the direction I'm moving forward with.

Implement a dark mode for any non-colored sections.

Using my official brand workhorse font, which is Kiwari.

General clean up of type styles, color styles, and components.

Implemented blog, And added a post about Webmo being chosen for a design award.

Oct 14, 2024

Small, but mighty updates.

  • Tweaked my logo branding to be Headshot first, typeface second.

    • Gives me amazing amounts of flexibility.

    • P for favicons

    • tpd for short abbreviated fun

    • three level "tim preut design"one level "time preut design"

  • Made some logo illusions

  • Updated website to have link to change log

  • Updated website to have a couple logo illusions sprinkled throughout

  • Got next Case Study will release next week

Soft launch: V2 + Framer

  • Launched homepage with new UI/UX

  • Launched Webmo Case Study

  • Case Study Template

  • Page Transitions

  • Entrance Animations

  • SEO

  • This version is ready for me to really put it through the ringer and make sure it is good to go.

  • No more footer!

V2 + Framer

  • Implementing a UI that represents myself and branding much better.

  • Designing the V2 in Figma.

  • Building the website in Framer.

  • I've decided to use Framer as I believe it is a more viable future product that I will be using, and it equips me to make websites that are aligned with my values.Awesome - great UI/UXReally cool interactions

  • Thinking outside of the box and being able to build those thoughts. I believe in the product more than Webflow.

  • Updated case studies and case study design

Jul 5, 2024

Initial Launch

  • Launched website on Webflow

  • Initial build

  • Initial Visual branding

©2024 Tim Preut Design, LLC

©2024 Tim Preut Design, LLC

©2024 Tim Preut Design, LLC